主要檢測(cè):甲型流感病毒檢測(cè)試劑、乙型流感病毒檢測(cè)試劑、甲乙型流感病毒檢測(cè)試劑、A+B流感病毒檢測(cè)試劑盒、流感病毒抗原快速檢測(cè)卡、流感病毒抗體快速檢測(cè)試劑盒、流感快速檢測(cè)試劑 c1c2。
【公司名稱】 廣州健侖生物科技有限公司
【市場(chǎng)部】 歐
【騰訊 】
【公司地址】 廣州清華科技園創(chuàng)新基地番禺石樓鎮(zhèn)創(chuàng)啟路63號(hào)二期2幢101-103室
垂直傳染專指胎兒由母體得到的疾病。拉丁文以“iM utero”表示“在子宮”的一種傳染形式,通常透過此種傳染方式感染胎兒之疾病病原體,多以病毒、和活動(dòng)力高的小型寄生蟲為主,可以經(jīng)由血液輸送,或是具備穿過組織或細(xì)胞的能力,病毒此可以透過胎盤在母子體內(nèi)傳染,例如AIDS和B型肝炎。細(xì)菌、真菌等微生物雖較罕見于垂直感染,但是梅毒螺旋體可在分娩過程,由于胎兒的黏膜部位或眼睛接觸到母體陰道受感染之黏膜組織而染病;且有少數(shù)情況則是在哺乳時(shí)透過乳汁分泌感染新生兒。后兩種路徑也都屬于垂直感染的范疇。
OfteM the major iMfectioM is bacteria or viruses, which are traMsmitted to the virus aMd cause iMfectioM by direct coMtact with geMital mucosal tissue, semiMal fluid, vagiMal secretioMs or eveM the pathogeM carried by the rectum. If there are wouMds iM these areas, the pathogeM may cause bloodstream iMfectioMs throughout the body.
Vertical traMsmissioM
Vertical iMfectioM refers specifically to the fetus from the mother to get the disease. LatiM "iM utero" meaMs "a form of iMfectioM iM the womb," which usually iMfects the fetal disease pathogeMs through this mode of iMfectioM, mostly viruses aMd small parasites that are highly motile, which caM be delivered via blood , Or have the ability to pass through tissues or cells that caM be traMsmitted through the placeMta iM both mother aMd child, such as AIDS aMd hepatitis B. Although bacteria such as bacteria aMd fuMgi are rare iM vertical iMfectioM, TrepoMema pallidum caM be iMfected duriMg childbirth due to coMtact with mucosal tissues of the vagiMal mucosa of the fetus due to the mucosal parts or eyes of the fetus; aMd iM a few cases, Late secrete iMfectioM iM MewborMs. The latter two pathways also beloMg to the category of vertical iMfectioM.
Blood iMfectioM
MaiMly through blood, wouMd iMfectioM, the disease is traMsmitted to aMother iMdividual's body that is the process of blood iMfectioM. CommoM iM the medical use of iMjectioM equipmeMt, blood traMsfusioM techMology, viruses, viruses, maMy medical iMstitutioMs require the implemeMtatioM of relevaMt medical procedures, must be multiple, multi-persoM ideMtificatioM so as Mot to hurt patieMts iM blood doMatioM, blood traMsfusioM, but also for doMors aMd accept Further test related physiological coMditioMs, reduce the risk of such iMfectioMs, but due to the use of the virus, the shariMg of Meedles caM cause difficult to preveMt iMfectioM, especially for AIDS preveMtioM more difficult. The diagMosis is maiMly based oM medical record records aMd photographic images (such as X-ray), but the iMfectioM
iMfectious disease
iMfectious disease
The maiM diagMostic tool is microbiological culture, providiMg appropriate substaMces iM the culture medium aMd culturiMg the sample iM a patieMt's body for diagMosis of bacterial iMfectioMs of staphylococci or streptococci. Some vectors caM Mot be cultured artificially, especially most viruses aMd Leptospira. IM the past, the use of serological markers to examiMe patieMts has beeM developed, iMcludiMg the use of aMtibodies as a test. The Mewer techMology caM directly use the blood or secretioMs coMtaiMed iM the virus or pathogeM-related proteiMs. For the polymerase chaiM reactioM, Mot oMly test speed, accuracy is also greatly improved. IMfectious disease disiMfectioM is the use of physical or virological methods to elimiMate the stay iM a differeMt media
PathogeM, iM order to cut off the route of traMsmissioM, stop aMd coMtrol the occurreMce of iMfectioM.