? valve cover screw connection
? Integral seal down
? to remove seat
? low-leakage test requirements to meet the stem packing
? automatically adjust the preload gland packing
Application criteria:
? Design: API 602/ASME 16.34/BS 5352/BS 6364
? test:
- API 598 pressure test at room temperature
- Low temperature test at SP 77/306
? tag: MSS SP25
? Long valve cover according to BS 6364
? SW Socket welding ends according to ASME B16.11
? BW butt end by ASME B16.25
? NPT threaded connectors according to ASME B1.20.1
According to ANSI B16.5 flange end ?
Pressure rating
? CLASS 800 (SW and NPT connectors)
? CLASS 150 (BW and Flanged end)
? CLASS 300 (BW and Flanged end)
? CLASS 600 (BW and Flanged end)
? CLASS 1500
? CLASS 2500
Size range
1 / 4 "to 2"
Description: 2 "above specifications, please contact the Thai techniques taking a step forward
Optional Materials
? Carbon Steel: LF2
? Stainless Steel: F304, F304L, F316, F316L
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