The H-Cube Pro™ improves upon the original H-Cube® by offering greater hydrogen production (up to 60 mL/min) for higher throughput, wider temperature range (from 10 - 150 °C) including - for the first time - active cooling for more selective reactions. Importantly, reactants can be hydrogenated at higher concentrations with a 70 mm CatCart® that is uniformly heated, egardless of flow rate. Users may vary the amount of hydrogen produced at each pressure level between 0 and 60 mL/min offering greater reaction control. In this application note, we compare the H-Cube® with the new H-Cube Pro™ in terms of throughput. The aim is to see how much more concentrated we can run a reaction on the H-Cube Pro™ by taking advantage of the greater hydrogen production capability. The reduction of 2,4-dinitroanisole was chosen as a model reaction because the reaction has high hydrogen demand (6 mol H2 per 1 mol substrate) since it involves the reduction of two nitro groups. The comparative study results are displayed in Table 1.
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